Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tough Love For Your Stupid Family/Friends

ME: I think half the people who do stupid stuff, you know, like staying with someone who treats them like shit, would not stay with that someone if their friends and family told them the cold hard truth...that everyone is talking about them behind their backs about how stupid they are for staying with someone who treats them like shit.

YOU: ha

ME: Seriously. Everyone wants to be lied to nowadays. Or their friends and family don't want to "hurt" them, but someone needs to be the "bad guy" and give them a wakeup call!

YOU: I'm hungry...that oatmeal didn't seem to stick w/ me as long today

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

You Angel. You Devil.

You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see a book or movie, or play about two people. One is the good character and one the evil character in the beginning, but by the end of the story we come to find that the opposite, in fact, is true.

Do you know why I want to see this movie, book, or play? Because I am the "perceived" Devil that is revealed to be the Angel by the end. Or rather, as close to an Angel as one can get. Okay, not as close as, but closer than the other one.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Check Your Facts!

Wake-up, World! Cyberpolution, it's all over the internet, but especially on Facebook, and it makes me nuts and it's making you look like idiots!

This is probably pretty much the same way rumors started in the "old days". Someone would hear a sensational/scandalous, or even inspirational story, and without even thinking twice about it, they called up their friends and passed it on to the next person. Sadly, it's so much easier now with the internet.

It seems in "real life" interactions, people are less trusting of others these days, but if they see something on the internet, then it must be true!? They are just too lazy to take that extra step to verify the story. They don't really care if it's true. They just want to be the first of their friends to pass on this juicy story on their "walls".


This post has been in my drafts for a long time, probably for over a year at least. I can't tell how long because it doesn't say in the posts list. I thought I'd post it now because it's still very relevant.

I need to get back on the blogging wagon. A lot has happened since my last post in 2011. I have lots of wonderful things to talk about as well as my usual complaining.