Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

me: HI
You: Hi!
me: I just want to tell you this now, so you can soak as much of me in this weekend.
I am SO behind, it's not even funny.
I need to stay home next week and bring work home or I am going to be in big trouble.
You: that's fine
me: dang. you could be a little upset.
You: IF you actually do the work you take home
me: ha.
You: I'll be sad and lonely w/o you, but I'll be PISSED if I'm sad and lonely and you aren’t doing the work you are supposed to be doing
me: I understand.
You: seriously pissed
me: I know.
You: ok

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not Everybody Wants To Rule The World

I feel all-powerful.  I now understand how women can (and do) rule the world....

girl power via
girl power

But, I don't want to rule the world. I just want to rule your the nicest way possible. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hush Hush, Eye To Eye

I'm more ways than one:

In the way I see the world.

In my smarts.

In my silliness.

In my dorkiness.

In my truthfulness.

In my one-of-a-kindness.

I think you have that same kind of special, in those same ways.

So, when we don't see eye to eye, it makes for an interesting moment. Or long moments, rather.  I'm not afraid of that. I'm not afraid to not see eye to eye. I'd be very suspicious if we did all the time. That, I think, would not be humanly impossible. And I'm pretty sure we are both humans. I mean, we're super-cool humans, but humans nonetheless.

My only hope is that in those moments when we don't see eye to eye, we can at least see from the other person's eye, at least for a moment. Just to see where the other one is coming from. I think it helps a lot. I think you think so, too. In fact, I know you think so, too.

So, it's all good.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Let Me Count The Ways….

You want to know how/why?

Because I asked for you, specifically! I had a man in my mind. I had been creating him in my mind for the past 10 years. I had no idea what you would look like or how to find you, or if I ever would. Well, to be honest, I never did think I would find you. And that’s why I prayed.

I was so sad.

I always dreamt there was someone out there just like me, but I didn’t really think you existed. And one day I just sat in my room, on my bed and said it all out loud. I asked why I couldn’t have a man just like me, who is normal, because really, when you think about it, it’s weird to be normal in this world. I wanted someone who was a little of everything. When you look at that sliding scale, and the middle line, he’s just to the right or the left of it, not way out to the edges. Those people out on the edges are wacko. I don’t need wacko. But I do need a little off kilter at times. I do need some fun and I do need some serious. I need it all. And that’s what you are.

You are so smart, but you don’t shove it in my face.

You are so serene, you make me feel calm. You make me feel safe. You make me feel important and that what I have to say actually means something to you.

You are funny, so funny and silly and willing to let me have a laugh at your expense. And I don’t mind you laughing at my expense. It’s the best gift in the world to make someone laugh and to feel at ease enough with someone to open yourself up like that. 

You think like I do the majority of the time. I mean, no two people can think exactly the same at all times, but I think you and I come as close to sharing one mind as humanly possible. I tell you something or ask you something and you just go with it without question. You add to it and before I know it you’ve made me see something new that wasn’t even there in my mind a moment earlier. It’s so amazing. You are amazing.

I really do think I knew it from the moment I read your profile because I was so calm about it. I can’t even really explain the feeling I had. And when we met, I saw your smile and it just made me feel at ease. And I heard your voice and it was comforting.  

I mean, we aren’t even scratching the surface here with they why’s and the how’s, but hopefully this helps a little.