Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Are You In There, Oprah Winfrey?

I was wondering last night as I wrote in my journal. (My journal that I received in 1995 and have only written in every couple of years when something significant happened to me. You know, marriage, weight gain, resolutions, dreams, wishes, worries, divorces, new beginnings, successes, failures, etc.) I was wondering about Oprah and her journaling. I know she does it. It's a well known fact that she has been journaling well before she became the Oprah the world now knows, loves, respects, and for some, blindly worships. She's probably got a room just to house all her journals.

What I was wondering was if she tells the truth in her journals. I know I do. That's probably why I've only written in them every couple of years. I write my innermost thoughts that I don't want anyone else to know. Does Oprah? Does she tell the truth in her diaries?

Though I haven't watched her show in years, I know Oprah has shared her journal entries at various times. But what about what she doesn't share? Is there anything in there that isn't meant for public eyes? Has she ever spoken about that on her show? You know what I mean. Does she let the words just flow in unconscious release, good or bad, happy or sad, in the simplest words and phrases? Does she say the hurtful things that are in all human hearts at one time or another? Does she bemoan her missteps and personal regrets? Does she go bazerk? Does she lash out, speak ill will of others who she feels have wronged her, or admit her own transgressions? Does she confess her sins? Does she whine and complain and feel sorry for herself? Does she write of heartaches? Struggles? Worries? Insecurities? Aches and pains? Does she boast to herself on her own behalf? These are all things I would except in a personal journal. It's in our human nature and if we are being truthful to ourselves, all this and more will be represented. She is, after all, a human just like the rest of us. Does she let her "human" show?

Or does she have it all carefully planned out for when she is gone? When (and if) the world is allowed access to Oprah's diaries, when all volumes are carefully archived in the Oprah Winfrey Museum and the world is let in hoping to see her true inner self, will they find that her truth really is in there, or nowhere to be found? Will we see a woman writing to herself and to her God? Or will she have written to the millions who will read her words; those rosy prosy, peace, love and understanding, "save the world", "save the children", "look at all the wonderful things I have done", preaching diatribes?

Does Oprah just let it all out? I hope so. I really do.