Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Calling all you passive aggressive, PC, wimps!!!!

Get some balls, will you?

Say what you are thinking at the risk of....oh my....pissing someone off. Don't worry, the rest of us will get over it. If I say something that upsets you? TELL ME! Don't act cool about it and then seethe inside, or even worse, tell everyone else how I pissed you off.

Because, I'm telling you right now, if you piss me off, you will know it. If I don't agree with something, I will tell you. I have opinions and I am not afraid to express them. Yes, there are ways of stating opinions without being a complete jack*ss, but I'd rather someone be a jack*ss and tell me the truth than act like all is fine when it really isn't.

We can work through the way something is said and come to a resolution, but if I don't know I'm pissing you off, then you will have no recourse, will you? I will not respect you because for one thing, I can tell when you are holding it in!! I know when I've pissed you off, so just let it out! I am waiting for it!*

This is an epidemic of massive proportions and I just can't stand it anymore. Everyone is so afraid of upsetting someone, offending someone, not being liked, not being accepted. Everyone wants to be so damn agreeable all the time. It's disgusting.

I could speak on this subject until the cows come home, but I need to get back to paying the bills. I'm sure I will be revisiting this in the future.

*I guess if I weren't so passive (minus the aggressive) I would yell to your face.