Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Calling all you passive aggressive, PC, wimps!!!!

Get some balls, will you?

Say what you are thinking at the risk of....oh my....pissing someone off. Don't worry, the rest of us will get over it. If I say something that upsets you? TELL ME! Don't act cool about it and then seethe inside, or even worse, tell everyone else how I pissed you off.

Because, I'm telling you right now, if you piss me off, you will know it. If I don't agree with something, I will tell you. I have opinions and I am not afraid to express them. Yes, there are ways of stating opinions without being a complete jack*ss, but I'd rather someone be a jack*ss and tell me the truth than act like all is fine when it really isn't.

We can work through the way something is said and come to a resolution, but if I don't know I'm pissing you off, then you will have no recourse, will you? I will not respect you because for one thing, I can tell when you are holding it in!! I know when I've pissed you off, so just let it out! I am waiting for it!*

This is an epidemic of massive proportions and I just can't stand it anymore. Everyone is so afraid of upsetting someone, offending someone, not being liked, not being accepted. Everyone wants to be so damn agreeable all the time. It's disgusting.

I could speak on this subject until the cows come home, but I need to get back to paying the bills. I'm sure I will be revisiting this in the future.

*I guess if I weren't so passive (minus the aggressive) I would yell to your face.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Speech! Speech!

I am here today to honor that most infamous member of the family unit. Some of you may have extensive experience with this particular family member. Others of you may have never had the pleasure of such loving relations. Some of you might even BE this family member. I am here today to give praise to the bossy, know-it-all, older sibling.

This is someone who, quite possibly, may have rubbed you the wrong way very very recently, thereby inadvertently sealing his/her fate as the honoree of your latest speech for which you were just struggling to find a suitable topic.

I’m not talking older sibling, as in a couple years older. I’m talking several years older. Perhaps as much as a decade and a year older. The kind of sibling that is old enough to hold your newly delivered infant body in their arms without your parents worrying about him or her dropping you on your head, although I wouldn’t put it past this older sibling.

This is the sibling that somehow blamed you, the innocent younger sibling for their nonexistent high school social life because they always had to baby sit you. The sibling who you were supposed to look up to and want to emulate, but did such a great job of torturing you day in and day out, all the while portraying themselves as the angelic, caring, protective older sibling to your parents, that they suffered not from having an adoring younger sibling such as yourself as their ever present shadow.

This sibling relished in bossing you around and calling you by all three of your given names at once, as if practicing to one day take your parent’s place as authority over your entire life. You know the one that knows everything and has the confidence and fortitude to chastise you in public in order to teach you a lesson. So much so that they carry this self appointed position as your very own Emily Post right on into your adulthood.

Cheers to you, bossy, older sibling. If it weren’t for you, we younger siblings of the world would probably be a little more well adjusted, a little more trusting of our fellow man, and all around happier people.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eco This, Buddy.

What's going on in my head today? Well, it might be my slack attitude toward work. It might be that I'm stuck in a rut. It might be that I sit too much. It might be my disgust with the followers of the world with their PC ways. It might be I'm sick of those same followers whining about greening up the earth. Yeah. We'll go with the greening of the earth for now.

I'm sick of hearing it. I'm sick of the "green" movement. I'm sick and tired of being preached at from all angles about the environment and my f'ing carbon footprint. I'm sick of the little insignificant humans thinking that we can make a difference in the future of this ball of dirt we're on. The earth has been around a lot longer than we have and I'm pretty sure it's going to be here long after we've been wiped off it's face like the crumbs that we are. How arrogant of humans to think we can "Save The Earth". Are you kidding me with this? Do we really think we have that much of an impact on something so much bigger than us? The earth is on its path and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The universe has a way of balancing itself out, and part of that is the extinction of certain species with the evolution of new ones. And besides. Who said the earth was supposed to last forever anyway?

My personal belief is that we are put here to explore and use every natural resource available to us. To gain as much knowledge of the workings of this snowglobe we're floating around in until our eyes bleed. But, realistically, our race isn't supposed to last forever. It just can't. Why, because we are humans, we have the all-knowing power to save ourselves from becoming extinct unlike the pea-brained plants and animals? More arrogance.

I don't think we're supposed to conserve energy. Find better ways to use our natural resources is what we should be doing. I'm all for recycling. And no, you shouldn't be polluting your neighbors property. No, please don't poison our water and soil so we all end up with some form of cancer. But, what do you want people? To go back and live in caves? Cause that's what's coming next if we keep up with all this hollier than thou eco-friendly, "do with less" fervor. What's wrong with wanting to live in air conditioning and use a dishwasher? You want to be eco-friendly? Stop having kids! There's a drain on our natural resources right there. Humans!

This is becoming a new religion, this eco-friendly "Save The Planet" movement. It really is. And we all know how badly that ends.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Being Different

When I was growing up, all I ever wanted was to stand out. I didn't want to look like anyone else and I thought others were like that, too. I realize now how my friends wanted so badly to look just like everyone else. To fit in. I didn't look at the popular kids and wish I could be a part of their world. I guess I didn't want to fit in. I wonder why that is?

Of course, I wanted to be accepted, but for who I was, not for wearing the exact same sweater as hundreds of other girls walking down the halls. I did feel like an outsider, but to me, that was a good feeling. I'm sitting here right now wondering if this still holds true today in my adult life. You can't see, but I'm nodding my head, yes. I think I do still feel the same way. And you know what? I think the folks who wanted to fit in and look just like everyone else still feel the same way, too.

What made me think about this today? Interestingly, it was jewelry commercials. They advertise one design and millions of women will go out and buy that piece of jewelry, knowing full well that just around the corner someone else is wearing the exact same thing. And they are okay with that.

Me? I am okay with that too, for them, not for myself. I will take the one of a kind piece. And hopefully we will all accept each other for it.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

No Response

I can't believe you didn't even fight for us. Friends for 25 years and that's all I get. Two months after I sent that email you drunk dial me from 3000 miles away just to rub it in? Grow up.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Say Goodbye

Well, I did it. I said goodbye to you. Not in the flesh or even on the phone. In an email. It's the way of the future. I think we were holding each other back and soon will see that only good can come from this. At least that's what I tell myself. It's been almost 25 years. We've served our purpose for each other and now it's time to move on.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Indifferent To You

It's not hard to tell,
That I've been avoiding you.
How long can this go on
with the denying that you do.

I'm indifferent to you today
as I was yesterday
and as I'll probably be tomorrow.

I've known you for so long
and I thought I knew you well.
But it seems I had things all mixed up
and must find a way to tell.

How much more can go on
Before I decide the time is right?
I'm too indifferent to the situation
To even put up a fight.

I don't think about it.
I go about my nights and days.
I don't even miss your presence
About us, what does it say?

I'm indifferent to you today
As I was yesterday
and as I'll probably be tomorrow.

With you I don't feel real or safe.
Trust was something you sold with a money back guarantee
But when I took you up on that deal
You turned away from me.

So today, I'm indifferent to you
As I was yesterday
and as tomorrow I'll probably be
I'm taking a chance and walking away
Cause I'm feeling right now, the call to be free.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Inside My Head

It's a new year and I just had an epiphany....I live inside my head.

I've heard the phrase a million times but never paid much attention to it until now. And it's really a shame.